Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

MySQL Driver


I have updated the MySQL driver package on SqueakSource.

I have done some serious cleanup : removing unused classes and instance variables, deprecating unsent methods, reformatting some of the code, fixing many 'lint rules' errors and warnings, performed some minor optimizations, making some parts of the code port-friendly as a first step to share only one version of this package for Squeak, Cuis and Pharo.

This has been tested on Squeak 6.0 with MySQL 5.7 (Windows) and 8.3.0 (Linux).

Now, all I'd need is for some interested Cuis developer to create a compatibility package for ScaledDecimal (so FixedDecimal loads properly).  I am more than willing to make the package portable for Cuis as a first step (before working on Pharo) but I need a ScaledDecimal class that could be loaded as a package.

Juan, are you there? 😉


Welcome to my new place to rant, explain, complain or just talk about stuff!

This blog is a lot about Smalltalk... But we'll also discuss about programming, databases, data structures and algorithms. And a little bit about mathematics. Sometimes about chess. Sometimes even about cooking and recipes!

Here, you'll find lots of Smalltalk code/snippets (about Rosetta Code, Euler ProjectOEIS, Advent of Code and some utilities and/or extensions) and some SQL (mostly MySQL stored procedures and tricks), 

There will be recurring posts about music (The Song of The Day, aka SOTD, daily), nostalgia (different things people about my age will remember about their childhood), some mathematics (mostly explored with Smalltalk, of course, and sometimes with Julia or even R!), tools & applications (titled Free as in beer, showcasing open source stuff I use, know about and appreciate), algorithms and data structures (once again, explored with Smalltalk) and lots of posts about many aspects of coding in Smalltalk!

Hope you like it and participate to the discussions!